Essex County Council
Updated a month ago

This Armed Forces Needs Assessment (AFNA) report forms part of a wider Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) suite of products that provide an overview of the key issues across Essex. The aims of these reports are, to: •      Provide key demographics of the armed forces community in Essex •      Examine the experiences of the armed forces community in relation to: •      Health and wellbeing •      Education and children's care •      Housing •      Employment •      Transition •      Criminal...

Essex County Council
Added 5 months ago

The Essex Resident Survey is Essex County Council’s biggest survey exercise and aims to generate insights on residents’ aspirations, views and values, helping to shape strategy, and to inform key delivery programmes and our engagement with residents. With just over 6,500 residents responding to the 2023 survey, it allows us to better understand the diversity of views and experiences within...

Essex County Council
Updated 7 months ago

The Essex Youth Vaping report provides the insights from the research project conducted to understand more about children and young people’s (CYP’s) vaping in Essex. With findings from CYP, parent’s/carer’s of CYP, and secondary schools, this includes Essex information on: Scale of youth vaping, and the culture, experiences, and activities around it Levels of knowledge and awareness around vaping,...

Essex County Council
Updated 8 months ago

Essex Skills Plan Keep up with current and future skills trends across Essex with our free, impartial research and leading local intelligence. With a focus on local priority sectors we call our research the 'Essex Skills Evidence Base'

Essex County Council
Updated 8 months ago

This dashboard compares projections for the Essex economy prepared prior to the COVID-19 pandemic (in early 2020), with a second set prepared in early 2021. Both sets were prepared for Essex County Council by Cambridge Econometrics. A link to the assumptions underlying these projections can be found below.  The projections show, for key economic aggregates – output (measured as Gross Value Added or...

Essex County Council
Added 10 months ago

The Essex Recovery Foundation (ERF) has undertaken a comprehensive needs assessment to look at all aspects of the local drug and alcohol treatment system and how best to meet the needs of the individual. Focusing on what the experience is for individuals who access those services and to better understand the reasons why individuals do not wish to access them....

Essex County Council
Added a year ago

Supporting people to live healthy lifestyles is one of the Everyone’s Essex commitments, and increasing levels of physical activity among children and young people is a key priority for the county. To inform the expansion of the Find Your Active campaign, research was needed to better understand children and young people’s attitudes and behaviours around physical activity, to inform the campaign...

Essex County Council
Added a year ago

This research presents insights from research conducted with residents in rural Braintree during Oct-Dec 2022. Little is known about hidden poverty and deprivation in rural areas. Therefore, the research seeks to explore the impact, the challenges this presents to residents within rural Braintree and the ideas they have on what would enable them to take opportunities and secure greater financial...

Essex County Council
Updated a year ago

The Oral Health Needs Assessment (OHNA) report forms part of a wider Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) suite of products that provide an overview of the key issues across Essex. The aims of this report are to: ·      To describe the oral health of the local population ·      To support the targeting of resources towards improving the oral health ·      To identify new or alternative ways in which...

Essex County Council
Added a year ago

Essex County Council has carried out research with residents to understand: Their experiences around the increasing cost of living The impact this is having on people's day-to-day lives as well as bigger life decisions being made or considered What things may help ease pressures ECC's Research & Citizen Insight Team carried out 20 in-depth interviews with residents from...