Supporting people to live healthy lifestyles is one of the Everyone’s Essex commitments, and increasing levels of physical activity among children and young people is a key priority for the county.

To inform the expansion of the Find Your Active campaign, research was needed to better understand children and young people’s attitudes and behaviours around physical activity, to inform the campaign and ensure it resonates with the audience.

The key research questions were:

  • What are the barriers to being active?
  • What motivates and influences young people?
  • What environment do young people need to enable physical activity?
  • What opportunities do young people want to see
  • What messages resonate most with them?

Over June-July 2023, the Research & Citizen Insight and Active Essex teams engaged with over 200 children and young people through various events.

The insights gathered include findings which may be useful beyond the campaign, and are presented in this report.

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