12 Results

Essex County Council
Updated a year ago

This slide pack looks at the census 2021 data released on January 19th 2023 and covers: Health status - number and proportion of residents split by health status, residents living in 'bad' or 'very bad' health, and change from 2011 Long term health problems or disability - number and proportion of residents whos day-to-day activity is limited due to health...

Essex County Council
Updated a year ago

This slide pack looks at the census 2021 data released on January 10th 2023, and covers the highest level of qualification held by residents. All analysis is at the Essex, district, and unitary level. The original data is available here: Education: Census 2021 in England and Wales

Essex County Council
Added 2 years ago

New Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) were published as part of the 2021 Census data releases. More information on the methodology, and for GIS boundaries for all LSOAs in England and Wales can be accessed from the link below. https://www.ons.gov.uk/methodology/geography/ukgeographies/censusgeographies/census2021geographies#lower-layer-super-output-areas-lsoas The datasets provided below are LSOA shapefiles for the county of Essex, and for Greater Essex (including Southend-on-Sea and Thurrock unitary authorities). These shapefiles...

Essex County Council
Added 2 years ago

This slide pack looks at the census 2021 data released on December 8th 2022 and covers: Industry worked - totals, district breakdowns, and change from 2011 Occupation - totals, district breakdowns, and change from 2011 Economic activity - number and proportion of residents economically active & economically inactive, reasons for economic inactivity, and changes from 2011 Travel to work - proportion of residents...

Essex County Council
Added 2 years ago

This slide pack looks at the 2021 census data released on January 25th 2023 and covers: Sexual orientation - numbers and percentages of the Essex population, split by sexual orientation Gender identity - numbers and percentages of the Essex population, split by gender identity All analysis is at the Essex, district, and unitary level. The original data is available here:...

Essex County Council
Added 2 years ago

This slide pack looks at the census 2021 data released on January 5th 2023 and covers the following household-level estimates: Accommodation type Number of bedrooms Occupancy rating for bedrooms (providing a measure of whether a household’s accommodation is overcrowded or under-occupied) Tenure Central heating type Car or van availability All analysis is at the Essex, district, and unitary...

Essex County Council
Added 2 years ago

This slide pack looks at the 2021 census data released on November 29th 2022 and covers: Ethnicity - number of residents by ethnic group, and changes from 2011 Language - number of residents by main language spoken, and changes from 2011 Religion - number of residents by religion (including no religion & no answer) Tables and maps showing detailed breakdowns & links to...

Essex County Council
Added 2 years ago

This slide pack looks at the 2021 census data released on November 2nd 2022 and covers: Population - totals, age & sex breakdowns, and growth rates Households - totals, change since the 2011 census, average number of people per household Household composition - number of one person households, number of households with dependent children, number of residents living in communal establishments Population...

Essex County Council
Updated 2 years ago

The first in a series of census 2021 products. This slide pack looks at the initial data released on June 28th 2022 and covers: Population - totals, age & sex breakdowns, and growth rates Households - totals, change since the 2011 census, and average number of people per household Population density - the number of people living per square kilometre All analysis...

Essex County Council
Updated 4 months ago

A set of slide packs looking at how outcomes vary across the protected characteristics in Essex. Each slide pack shows the distribution of residents who have the protected characteristic across Essex. The slides also compare the distribution of the protected characteristic in the general Essex population and in residents who have a specific outcome (e.g. disability). For example if black people make...