The Essex Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership brings together representatives from the different agencies in Essex who work with children, young people and their families. The Partnership discusses what are the most important issues and problems for children, young people and families in Essex and decides what we are going to do about them. When something has gone well we celebrate success together and when things are not going well we establish why this is the case and how we can prevent or change the situation. Whether things go well or not, we share learning so that we can undertake our public duties to the best of our ability. In short, the Partnership thinks together and acts together in order to the drive the change that will deliver better outcomes for children, young people and their families.

This Plan sets out the Partnerships ambitions for the coming few years and provides a strategic framework that affirms partners' commitment to work together on six system objectives that will deliver better outcomes for children, young people and their parents and carers.

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