The Local Area Health Scorecard shows the latest summary snapshot of health in an area.
The scorecard can be used to quickly understand the health of your area which, combined with your local knowledge, will help to tailor the support your school needs from the Healthy Schools Programme.
Each scorecard has a summary table showing the latest data at district & England level, and a spine chart. Spine charts show the position of your area (the circle) relative to the rest of England. The light grey area is the range of values across every local authority in England, and the lowest & highest values are shown at either end of the chart. 50% of all local authorities are in the dark grey area, and can be thought of as a 'typical' range of values for the indicator.
The blue diamond is the England value, and the circle is the value for your area. The colour of the circle shows if your area is significantly lower, higher, or similar to the England value. The colour of the circle depends on if being significantly lower than England is good or bad - if it's good the circle will be green, if it's bad the circle will be red, and in all other cases the circle will be amber.
There are some indicators in the scorecard where it doesn't make sense to talk about 'good' or 'bad' (e.g. ' % population from ethnic minorities'). These indicators will always have amber circles.
The excel sheet can be used to select different areas, and the PDFs contain the summary tables for each of the 12 Essex districts. These will be updated once a year in August.