This map highlights how many residential addresses are at risk of surface water flooding using three probabilities: 1 in 30 per year risk (3.3% risk each year), 1 in 100 per year risk (1% risk each year) and 1 in 1,000 per year risk (0.1% risk each year). ‘1 in 30' being the most at risk, and '1 in 1000' being the least at risk.

The data is based on flood risk today and does not factor in future climate change allowances, which are set to further increase the number of residential properties at risk.

Numbers are calculated by parish. It is important to note that larger and more populated parishes naturally show more addresses at risk of flooding due to the greater number of properties being factored in overall. This does not necessarily imply the parish itself is at greater risk of flooding.

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2 months ago  
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