This priority area spreadsheet is for early years and childcare providers to determine the need for additional early years and childcare provision within their ward. By typing in the postcode of the setting or searching the District/Ward, early years and childcare providers will be able to see whether they are a Priority 1,2 or 3 area. This will determine their...
Greater Essex Trends has been developed to describe and communicate some of the key challenges and drivers of change that are shaping the lives of people across our diverse communities. It describes some of the strengths of Greater Essex and the opportunities we will have to grow, learn, and prosper in the years ahead. By bringing these different threads together, the document...
Essex County Council have recently published a new Essex Healthy Weight Strategy, setting out the 10-year vision and strategic approach to excess weight prevention and treatment, outlining how residents will be supported to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, including by creating an environment and culture where making a healthy choice is the easy choice. The strategy was developed by engaging...
The High Level Essex JSNA Summary provides an overview of the health and wellbeing needs across Essex. It summaries key insights gained from research and health needs assessment, in order to improve health and wellbeing, support evidence informed decision making, prioritisation and action to reduce health inequalities effectively
The Corporate Performance Reports, are reported on quarterly. They provide information to inform Essex County Council's Political and Executive Leadership in managing council performance, and in tracking progress towards the delivery of ECC's strategic aims. It sets out detailed data, insights and commentary on each of the council's strategic performance indicators.
The Socioeconomic Factors - Education dashboard is an interactive tool that presents information and intelligence to allow our stakeholders to understand the need in their local area and inequalities as they pertain to education across Essex. To make the most of this dashboard, it is important that it is used in conjunction with the accompanying downloadable report so that the...
The Health Outcomes -Length and Quality of Life dashboard is an interactive tool that presents information and intelligence to allow our stakeholders to understand the need in their local areas and inequalities as they pertain to length and quality of life. To make the most of this dashboard, it is important that it is used in conjunction with the accompanying...
The Health Outcomes -Mental Health dashboard is an interactive tool that presents information and intelligence to allow our stakeholders to understand the need in their local area and inequalities as they pertain to mental health. To make the most of this dashboard, it is important that it is used in conjunction with the accompanying downloadable report so that the combined...
The Clinical Care- Preventing ill health and supporting recovery dashboard is an interactive tool that presents information and intelligence to allow our stakeholders to understand the need in their local areas and inequalities as they pertain to preventing ill-health and supporting recovery. To make the most of this dashboard, it is important that it is used in conjunction with the...
This map highlights how many residential addresses are at risk of surface water flooding using three probabilities: 1 in 30 per year risk (3.3% risk each year), 1 in 100 per year risk (1% risk each year) and 1 in 1,000 per year risk (0.1% risk each year). ‘1 in 30' being the most at risk, and '1 in 1000'...