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MastheadEssex County Council
Essex County Council
Updated 18 hours ago

The Socioeconomic Factors - Education dashboard is an interactive tool that presents information and intelligence to allow our stakeholders to understand the need in their local area and inequalities as they pertain to education across Essex. To make the most of this dashboard, it is important that it is used in conjunction with the accompanying downloadable report so that the...

Essex County Council
Updated 3 days ago

The Health Outcomes -Length and Quality of Life dashboard is an interactive tool that presents information and intelligence to allow our stakeholders to understand the need in their local areas and inequalities as they pertain to length and quality of life. To make the most of this dashboard, it is important that it is used in conjunction with the accompanying...

Essex County Council
Updated 3 days ago

The Health Outcomes -Mental Health dashboard is an interactive tool that presents information and intelligence to allow our stakeholders to understand the need in their local area and inequalities as they pertain to mental health. To make the most of this dashboard, it is important that it is used in conjunction with the accompanying downloadable report so that the combined...

Essex County Council
Updated 3 days ago

The Clinical Care- Preventing ill health and supporting recovery dashboard is an interactive tool that presents information and intelligence to allow our stakeholders to understand the need in their local areas and inequalities as they pertain to preventing ill-health and supporting recovery. To make the most of this dashboard, it is important that it is used in conjunction with the...

Essex County Council
Updated 4 days ago

The Business Accommodation in Essex dashboard was produced by Essex County Council (ECC) to help council officers and private sector investors to: Better understand supply of / demand for business accommodation in Greater Essex, geographically and over time. Provide indications as to productivity / production capacity of businesses in Greater Essex, geographically and over time. Inform resource...

Essex County Council
Updated 11 days ago

The Electoral Division Profiles Dashboard is an interactive tool which presents information on the 70 electoral divisions in Essex and the districts they are part of. This tool provides in one page an overview of each electoral division using a variety of indicators such as: ·      district population by age and gender ·      district employment rates ·       electoral division residents profiles ·      district portraits ·      results of the May 2021 local...

Essex County Council
Added 15 days ago

We have a legal duty to assess the sufficiency of childcare in our area and share what we've found. Our assessment looks at local demographics, demand and the quality of childcare available across Essex. We hope it will be useful to parents, carers, providers and potential providers. Read the 2023 Childcare Sufficiency Assessment If you have any comments on the sufficiency of childcare please contact [email protected]

Essex County Council
Updated 17 days ago

Greater Essex Trends has been developed to describe and communicate some of the key challenges and drivers of change that are shaping the lives of people across our diverse communities. It describes some of the strengths of Greater Essex and the opportunities we will have to grow, learn, and prosper in the years ahead. By bringing these different threads together, the document...

Essex County Council
Added 18 days ago

The Corporate Performance Reports, are reported on quarterly. They provide information to inform Essex County Council's Political and Executive Leadership in managing council performance, and in tracking progress towards the delivery of ECC's strategic aims. It sets out detailed data, insights and commentary on each of the council's strategic performance indicators.

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Essex County Council
Updated a month ago

This Armed Forces Needs Assessment (AFNA) report forms part of a wider Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) suite of products that provide an overview of the key issues across Essex. The aims of these reports are, to: •      Provide key demographics of the armed forces community in Essex •      Examine the experiences of the armed forces community in relation to: •      Health and wellbeing •      Education and children's care •      Housing •      Employment •      Transition •      Criminal...