About the JSNA

About the JSNA

Essex’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) sets out an evidence base to inform decisions on health and wellbeing priorities across the county.   It is an ongoing, iterative process presented as a suite of resources – interactive reports, briefings, downloadable reports and datasets – that will be updated regularly as new analysis and insight becomes available. 

By designing the JSNA in this way we hope that it will be a ‘live’ resource for organisations across Essex.

Who uses the JSNA?

The JSNA provides an evidence base for local authorities and NHS leaders across Essex to use in determining local health and wellbeing priorities.   But the JSNA is also a resource for those who plan, run and commission specific services.  The evidence set out through JSNA briefings and reports can help guide and inform decisions across the county, at the level of specific Integrated Care Partnerships, or within different in districts or within Primary Care Networks.  

We know that many organisations in the voluntary and community sector also make use the JSNA in developing their future plans or in preparing bids to funders.

What is in the JSNA?

Essex’s JSNA has been developed to consider the wider determinants of health using the County Health Rankings Model.  It is concerned with:

· our overall health and the quality of life we enjoy in Essex;

· our behaviours and lifestyles – particularly when these impact upon our health;

· our access to healthcare, and the quality of the healthcare available to us;

· the wider socio-economic factors that influence our health; and

· the aspects of our physical environment that impact on our health.

Who is involved in producing the JSNA?

Overall responsibility for preparing the JSNA rests with the Essex Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB). In 2022 the HWBB oversaw a series of workshops bringing together partners from across Essex’s public services to define the shape, structure and content of the JSNA. 

Since then Essex County Council’s Research and Citizen Insight team has led a programme of work to develop and maintain the JSNA as a suite of resources that can inform strategy development, commissioning plans and bids across the system. This team continue to develop the JSNA, updating key reports and dashboards, and adding content as new  insights and evidence become available.